مبدعون من بلدي .... الرسام منير العبيدي ج 1
About Munir Alubaidi
I was born in Diyala province- Buhriz, Iraq in 1949, granted BA in history and art history from the University of Baghdad in 1970. 1969 joined the free atelier of the college of art under the supervision of the late artist pro. Khalid Al-Jadir. In the same year we established the group of Al-Adab for fine art. Between 1977 and 1978 I studied sociology and politics in Moscow at the institute of social sciences. Been arrested and tortured many times because of my political activities till I leave to Germany in 2000 to be granted a political asylum, since then I live and work in Berlin in my atelier in Atelierhaus Sigmaringer 1. Between 2007 and 2009 I lectured how to paint with acrylic at the VHS in Berlin. In spite of all difficulties and suffering I was sad to leave behind the most successful year of 80s and 90s in which I was among the best sellers. I wrote and published many articles, my first book to be published in the next few months. More
under: www.munir-alubaidi.de

under: www.munir-alubaidi.de

شخصيات عراقية
عن "المدون"

باسم البلداوي مدون عراقي محترف..لي اربعة مواقع ومدونات علمية وترفيهية ومنها مدونة سوالف عراقية التي تغطي جوانب متعددة من ثقافة وتاريخ وحضارة العراق بالاضافة الى مواضيع شيقة اخرى..نتمنى لكم تصفح شيق واستفادة كاملة